

research一個很重要的收穫,就是不經心地獲得有趣的資訊。像我這樣懶惰的不問世事的井底蛙,只有工作和朋友能伸展我的視野了。 HBR 2005年三月份專訪JetBlue的創辦人David Neeleman,讓我好奇的想知道這塊航空界的藍色招牌背後到底有甚麼超越常人的使命感。

國內線的班機我坐的還算頻繁,JetBlue是印象中服務最好的選擇,不僅有無限供應飲料和薯片零食,專屬的航廈還是完全免費的wireless,候機時開著電腦就能聊天或者看康熙來了打發時間,第一件行李check-in free更是其他航空公司望塵莫及的福利(上次坐US Airway第一件就要25塊錢,氣的我硬把所有東西塞進carry-on)

前天在JetBlue網站發現one day sale訂到超便宜單程機票SFO to JFK:89USD in total ~ (驚! 史上最低! 歡迎PK!) 而今天看到這篇專訪,真是打從心底雀躍,一切的一切讓我對阿藍的好感再度加深。




Living in the favelas, a few things struck me. The first was that most wealthy people had a huge sense of entitlement. They thought they were better than the people in the slums—and this rubbed me the wrong way. The second was that the poor people I met seemed happier than the rich, and they were also incredibly generous in sharing what little they had. And the third—and most striking—thing was that I was actually much happier, too.


JetBlue,大衛跟員工喝一樣的咖啡,用一樣的辦公桌設備;他出差的時候,要求一般的租用車而不是林肯禮車;還特設員工專用的急難救助基金,原因是,大衛認為:   如果員工裡有人得了癌症,那不僅是需要看病的錢 (一般人有保險),也可能會需要找保姆看顧小孩的錢 (保險不一定會給付額外的開銷需求, 這就是急難救助金之目的)。惟有員工覺得對公司有認同感和責任感,才會以同理心對顧客好。

Two insights from that experience drive how I manage JetBlue: For myself and for the people I work with, I try to eliminate obvious differences in wealth and status, and I try to provide opportunities to serve others.


無差別待遇,人人有機會idea不只如此。在JetBlue沒有艙等設計,沒有高低之分(當然這也是因為它是短程國內線的關係啦);加長座位區,則特別安置於座艙後段,因為大衛說:   The seats that have more legroom are at the back, so the people who get off the plane last actually have nicer seats in-flight. 真是貼心,連這個都想到了。



雖然我選位子的時候,longer legroom seat要多加40塊錢 (還是很便宜啦, ),也不是全部都安排在最後段 (但確實是中後各幾排),可我仍喜歡這個故事。以後我每次坐JetBlue,都會明白他們的好。如果他們變不好了,我也會想起這些的好。


每個決定背後的理由,都有瑣碎細小卻發人深省的片段;真是喜歡這種微不足道的可愛 ~






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